Tuesday, January 19, 2016

District Six Commemoration of Prophet

THE Salihiyyah male jama'at, or congregation, held their annual mawlud - the celebration of the Prophet's birthday - at the Khalil-ur-Rahman mosque in District Six in conjunction with the Ad-Dairat Dhikr Circle. The gathering was addressed by Maulana Abdurahman Khan, who'd just returned from Tarim in Hadramaut where he'd visited his teacher, Habib 'Umar ibn Hafidh.

Commenting on the devotional litany of the Ratib ul-Haddad read during the ceremony (and which had been penned by the famous 17th century saint of Hadramaut, Imam 'Abdullah al-Haddad) Mla Khan said that he'd visited the grave of the the Imam, and made invocations that those who made the Ratib in Cape Town would be blessed by its many benefits. 

He also said that if the Qur'an approved of the births of Yahya (John the Baptist) and 'Isa (Jesus) then how much more would the Creator smile upon those celebrating the birth of Muhammad, the most praised one, in a beautiful and permitted way.

The gathering was graced by the Hudam qasidah group, whose world-class nasheed (or devotional recitation of poetry) captivated those present.

Photos Copyright Shafiq Morton

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